Blog Posts

Make Your Feelings the Heart of the Matter
Yvonne Winkler

Make Your Feelings the Heart of the Matter

You are here to design a life that feels good: when you wake up, when you go to work, when you cook dinner, create something. The Desire Map has changed the way I live my life, and I am so thrilled to share this experience with you.

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Gift Unwrapped: Your Guide to Conscious Giving (and Receiving)
Yvonne Winkler

Gifts Unwrapped: Your Guide to Conscious Giving (and Receiving)

The holidays mean something different to everyone. We carry forward memories from when we were children, and create new memories as we raise our own families. The magic of this time of year for me is in the serenity, its peak being Christmas Day when the world (finally) goes quiet. No errands to run or shopping to do, just peace.

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