You've Got a New Story to Write. And it Looks Nothing Like Your Past
I went for a walk, as I now do every morning with our puppy Sophie. It was a dreary day, clouds hanging low and light drizzling rain. “It’s gonna be a muddy one,” I thought to myself and prepared for our return with a big towel by the door.
As we entered the path through the woods, a wonderful fragrance of trees of foliage triggered memories of “home”. Looking down at Sophie I could tell she was picking up a strong scent as well.
Have you ever noticed how much more intense scent is when it rains? How much more vivid the colour of bark and grass become when they get wet? That got me thinking about how “unpleasant” I thought this walk would be – dark, soggy and cold, and how much more aware and in the moment I actually was BECAUSE of the rain.
The keys to freedom are in your shadow.
Danielle LaPorte
These last eight weeks through COVID-19 have been a giant highlight reel of what I’ve been preparing for my entire life. The irony wasn’t lost on me that everything resembled my childhood in communist Germany and that I found myself singing 99 Red Balloons, painting Easter eggs and creating 5D art, just like I did when I was 11 years old.
I was acutely aware of the deep-seated adaptations, beliefs and fears. Shutdowns, lockouts, empty shelves, and line ups to the grocery store echoed distant familiarities within me. Apocalyptic announcements on TV and the supermarket’s PA. Neighbours ratting each other out for disobeying government orders and fear campaigns to keep us inside. All of it affirming what I’ve survived already and validating that I’m on the right path of doing the work I’m here to do.
I knew 2020 would be a pivotal year, however...
In my wildest dreams, I couldn’t have imagined that the entire world would come to grinding halt and that EVERYONE’S lives would be altered forever. It’s the ultimate “clean slate”, which in previous blogs I denied existed.
We, as in the global community, are in our shadow, and therein lies the key to our freedom.
Have I ever told you why my company name and philosophy is about the Lotus flower? Years ago, I was searching for a tattoo motif that represented my life’s journey, when I came across this quote:

Like the Lotus flower, we all have the ability to rise through the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.
I made this my corporate mantra and dubbed my company Lotus Consulting Inc., helping women create thriving lives by identifying their core desires, restoring work/life balance and nurturing overall wellbeing.
The Lotus is the perfect metaphor for the developmental work I do with my clients and right now, to what’s happening on a global scale. The Lotus strongly anchors her roots in the life-sustaining element of water. Its stem, with a pointy bulb, grows through the darkness of the murky waters to the light. When it reaches the surface, it opens its multi-petaled blossom and radiates its beauty into the world. At night, the petals of the Lotus flower close to control the plant’s inner circulation of water, a metaphor I often use to illustrate the necessity of self-care and preservation.
The wisdom is in the pause.
Alice Walker
This time of “darkness” is an excellent pause for us to reflect and go within because, like on a rainy day, everything is vivid, clear and intense. What we find uncomfortable, painful or frustrating is actually our heart revealing our core desires.
So many of you are feeling things you’ve long suppressed. Maybe for the first time in your life you’re reassessing the path you’re on, and perhaps you’re ready to explore some new options to reclaim your life.
I’ve been working on the Lotus Emerging Entrepreneur Program for three years, and I’m so pleased that its redesigned version is available now in the definite need of our emerging into a new world.
We need each other like the sun needs the moon, and because we have an opportunity to rewrite our story, we now, more than ever need to come together and collaborate. As my coach and mentor would say, “Women’s wisdom, women’s ways.“

Connect with a group of heart-centered women to harness the power of their experience & expertise!
Becoming a LEEP member is transformational!
Here is my invitation to you.
If you’re a founder or are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, then the LEEP is for you.
The LEEP is a year-long, peer-to-peer mentorship program designed to support your creative process and with it, all the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. It’s a unique experience of 12 compassionate and creative women searching for a way to HONOUR their heart’s desires and express what matters most to them. The LEEP is for women who want to stop standing in their own way, collaborate, and focus on what they need to move forward.
You need to do this right now because it’s not business as usual! It’s time for a new paradigm. Apply for the LEEP membership here.
Registration closes May 20, 2020 at midnight MST, and if you miss that, you’ll have to wait one full year to take intentional action in your business and meet a community of women who get you. Just think how many people you could be helping by then.
With love and gratitude,

Scholarship Program
Lotus Consulting Inc. is offering a FULL scholarship to one woman who demonstrates that she would be an essential addition to the LEEP community and who is ready to begin masterminding with us on May 22, 2020.