5 Tools to Help You Create 2020 Your Way

5 Tools to Help You Create 2020 Your Way

5 Tools to Help You Create 2020 Your Way!

Are you among the 80% of humans who give up on their New Year’s resolutions by mid-February?

Do you want to change that? Your journey starts with empowering yourself to want what you want unapologetically

Robin, my friend and feminine power enthusiast, and I have put together 5 tools to create your 2020 YOUR WAY! 5 tools for you to stop playing small, commit to a path, adn expand in the ways you want to.

No matter how you feel about New Year’s resolutions, a new year gives us a fresh opportunity to do things differently – to turn the page. Millions of people set intentions to feel better, eat more plant-based food, drink ess, and laugh more, and yet a US study shows that 54% of people fail to keep up their New Year’s resolutions past 6 months.

With that in mind, how can you set yourself up for success adn make 2020 transformational and joyful? If you use the same recipe, you’ll bake the same cake, so it’s time to do something brand new. The approach we’re suggesting is a heart-based approach to create the life you want, rather than setting rigid measures and checking off boxes.

There's something about the turning of the page that gets me going every year. I feel like that fresh slate can build on some of the habits that I started the year before and just dive in!


Connect with a group of heart-centered women to harness the power of their experience & expertise!

Becoming a LEEP member is transformational!

The LEEP is an amazing program for budding female entrepreneurs because it shatters the views of what business should look like and provides a new feminine approach to building a business I think ALL women can benefit from.

Brittany Erdman

Get out of your head & into your heart

Meditation is the superfood for changing your patterns and habits. Just 5 minutes in the morning centers you, primes your parasympathetic nervous system, and GIVES YOUR BRAIN SPACE TO MAKE DECISIONS.  Whenever I coach women who wish to transform aspects of their lives, we focus first on setting ourselves up for success. Meditation is one of the best and most commonly used practices to connect with our body and soul and get out of our thoughts. 

find a community and a coach that shares your values

Every high achiever (leaders, athletes, and people who stand out in their areas of expertise) has a coach and is surrounded by a community of like-minded people. Why would you think you can do something you’ve never done before on your own? Perhaps you’ve already tried– and made headway by yourself. However, the energy you spend on painstakingly discovering things other people already know and can help you with, and the amount of time and energy it takes to pick yourself up during hard times, could be put into your goals and intentions instead. Community is powerful!

write your goals down

Marie Forleo just did an episode on Marie TV where she shared 3 Strategies That Will Triple Your Odds of Success in which she cites a study that has found: we’re 42% more likely to achieve our goals if we write them down! 42%! Now I don’t know about you but I will take all the help I can get with my intentions this year. Make it part of your morning practise to write down your goal every day and see for yourself what’s possible.

use the desire map planner

We have the procedures of achievement upside down. Every New Year we come up with our to-do lists, resolutions, bucket lists, and strategic plans — all the stuff we want to have, get, accomplish, and experience outside of ourselves. And here’s the heart of it all: all of those aspirations are being driven by an innate desire to feel a certain way.

So what if this year, we get clear on how we actually want to feel within ourselves, and then we design our to-do-lists, set our goals, and make our resolutions?

Growth Isn't Linear

Put your soul on the agenda with a soulful planner like the Desire Map Planner by Danielle LaPorte. It’s gorgeous and well-designed to guide you through your day, keeping your desires at the forefront of each day. Robin and I agree that surrounding yourself with beautiful things that make you feel the way you want to feel is part of the solution! 

Do you want to make your feelings the heart of the matter? My #desiremap retreat On The Way To What You Want  is  OPEN for a few more days. Or, if you want to ease your way into this, book a private meeting with me here

Connect with your Life Force

… and heal burnout/overwhelm/anxiety/stress with pleasure, says Robin Joy, yoga studio owner & teacher, sexuality coach, photographer, speaker, and facilitator.  “The one thing missing from most self-help books is the part after you make all the big changes– embodiment is a big part of this. What we all crave is the freedom to be raw + real in our lives, which is the foundation of genuine intimacy that comes through a practise of Devotion. The Freedom Cycle is a process that supports you to feel your Core Desired Feelings.” ❤

Radiant Woman Program is a unique program for women who have tried everything to feel authentic and free but still feel like they’re hiding themselves from the world in some way. Robin expertly guides participants in the program through her 4 step pleasurable healing process called The Freedom Cycle. Every woman in this program will be able to address what’s holding them back from expressing themselves and enjoy life to its fullest through accessing their deep inner wisdom, healing core wounds, and awakening sexual energy in their bodies. The end result is a life that feels lit up, full of passion and purpose, and deeply devoted to inviting pleasure and joy with intention each and every day.

Reconnect with your shakti! Book your free call with Robin today and learn how the revolutionary Freedom Cycle will get you into a life of ease and flow. https://robinjoy.ca/radiant-woman

Robin’s Radiant Woman Program has helped me reconnect with my source of joy and  feminine power. I’m deeply grateful for all the resources she made available to me so I can continue to dissolve my blocks and experience uninhibited joy and pleasure. If you’re feeling like there’s something missing, or that there is more to be had, book your free call with Robin today. Mention my name when you register for Radiant Woman and I will give you 2 coaching sessions on me ($360 Value).


Write down one of your goals for 2020. Now go deeper. Why is this important to you? What would it mean if you achieve this goal? What does it feel like to achieve it? 

Authentic Leadership & The Heart-Centered Business

Hi I'm Yvonne

I work with entrepreneurial women just like you who feel a deeper calling to explore the meaning in their lives. 

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