A Little
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Client Testimonials
a little praise

Andrea Morris
Mortgage & Insurance Agent, AMFinancial Services
“I joined her LEEP program, and it was one of the best decisions I made.”
Not only did I get to meet a group of like-minded women, I actually got practical and useful tools and access to unbelievable support to help me grow my business. I learned so much about Mindset, Energy, Videos, Email Campaigns, and especially Marketing. The group and community of women that Yvonne surrounds herself with, that have helped with all her business efforts, are also a huge benefit to have met, and see the work they can do for us.
I say if you are a Female Entrepreneur struggling with where to start, and how to kickstart your business, or need more direction not only in business but in life… then Yvonne is definitely someone you can count on to guide you.

Brittany Erdman
Physiotherapist & Intuitive Wellness Coach, Ignite Wellness
“Concrete action steps to move your business forward, live group coaching support from Yvonne, and a community of women who are there to collaborate, support, and believe in your dream as much as you do.”
LEEP simply helps you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be!

Katheryn Plaza
Profound Impact
“Yvonne is the epitome of empathy – one who can connect, relate, sympathize and meet someone exactly where they are.”
This is an essential – if not he primary quality in a mentor or a coach. She invests in each person she works with; making a sincere effort to truly understand the complexities that make us each of us – and because she makes this investment, she has the unique gift of illuminating a person’s strengths and identifying the key to how they best contribute to the world.
Her genuine interest in me and my success, has elevated my confidence; making me feel like I, and the work I do, is very much needed and cherished. Her inquisitive mind has taken me down paths I didn’t recognize, but was so glad I discovered. Yvonne is one of those rare gems that is placed in your life for a very significant reason. Should you have the opportunity to be coached by Yvonne – regardless of your life circumstances or aspirations – consider yourself blessed.

Jill Phillips
Inspiring I Coaching
“This has felt huge for me and I haven’t had a coach yet who is willing to gently and persistently go there with me.”
Coaching with Yvonne has been an enlightening organic experience. She intuitively knows where to guide our sessions to the exact thing I needed to receive, hear or experience. She has a gentle and loving persistent way to help uncover things that need to be addressed while holding a space for healing and transformation.

Carla McWaid
Live Now Inc.
“Through Yvonne’s experiences she can relate and empathize greatly.”
Yvonne is a person that will keep you accountable. She has a very calming effect while you are working with her. It is a wonderful feeling to take the time needed to get where you want to be, not where the world wants you to be. Through Yvonne’s experiences she can relate and empathise greatly with getting one connected with themselves to reflect inwards to see what is needed to bring balance. If you haven’t worked with Yvonne yet, you should! You wont be the same. You will see more of yourself and bring more clarity to your situation.

Alannah Amatea
“Working with Yvonne Winkler has been nothing less than amazing!”
Her bright and bubbly personality makes doing business with her an absolute delight. Yvonne is not only full of knowledge and ideas, her positive outlook on any situation helps immensely. It has been a pleasure doing business with Yvonne and I would highly recommend her if you need help with business coaching.

Lindsay Youngblood
Mandala Staging and Design
“She always asks the right questions to lead you to very solid decisions and get you to the heart of the matter.”
I am lucky enough to call Yvonne a friend, however she has become so much more to me in the past year. She has helped me immensely during my career change into self employment and has been an invaluable asset to me while growing my business. She is always present and prepared, listening and taking notes during our discussions. She always asks the right questions to lead you to very solid decisions and get you to the heart of the matter. Yvonne has helped me to better focus and prioritize my life and my business. She helps you to look at problems in different ways, thus finding meaningful solutions.
I always look forward to my conversations with Yvonne. She is able to strike a unique balance of careful listening with sharing her wealth of experience and ideas. She never fails to leave me with helpful insights, ideas or questions to ponder. She is professional, thoughtful, experienced, grounded and most of all, real. Starting a new venture can be intimidating and tedious, but meeting with Yvonne always leaves me feeling invigorated and inspired.

Claudia Killemann
“Yvonne has pushed me outside my comfort zone – to become stronger & better and to go for my dreams.”
Yvonne has a very big heart, has been there for me, offering support & advice in so many areas of life. She pushed me outside my comfort zone, to become stronger & better, going for my dreams not just dreaming them. She’s been a huge motivator in starting a small business, something I’ve never dreamed of doing. It is very important for her to pass on the joys of life. To look at the bright side of things not the dark, to focus on the good not the bad!
One thing I have learned about Yvonne is that she thrives on positive energy and exactly that makes her such an amazing person to be around!

Belle Givens
“Yvonne has reminded me that to truly be happy, I have to be able to unconditionally love myself.”
Yvonne is present, kind, and supportive, and always able to ask those questions to ensure you are being true to yourself. She has reminded me that to truly be happy I have to be able to unconditionally love myself (as much as I thought I had this one down, it seemed to slip away so easily). All of my perceived flaws, all the barriers and walls that I developed to try and harness my life into manageable categories, (which ultimately just ended up with me putting myself aside to deal, manage, and ensure that those around me were taken care of) required a change. And as we all know change can be terrifying, but it can also be fun, exciting and in my experience ultimately liberating. As a mother I want nothing less for my daughter to lover herself and to be able to express her anger, joy, sadness, and love in a health self-loving way. But how can I expect her to learn that if I can’t appreciate myself for who I am?
On this journey of life, it is so refreshing to have a true, pure friend like Yvonne whose presence brings out your true beauty. I couldn’t be more grateful to have her in my life.

Marianne Baptie
“She immediately puts me at ease and she’s naturally inquisitive.”
I’ve had the honour of knowing Yvonne since 2011 when we attended a seminar that I can honestly look back on and say was a life changing event. I shared my dream of traveling around the world for a year with the group and afterwards, Yvonne quietly came up to me and said “I just got back from doing that, what would you like me to share with you?”.
Yvonne has a heart of gold! Whenever we get together, she has this uncanny ability to look at me with her big, beautiful, bright blue eyes and ‘see’ my soul. She immediately puts me at ease and she’s naturally inquisitive; she genuinely wants to hear about how I’m doing. Yvonne listens intently and seeks to understand, making me feel warm and safe; I trust her. From her vast travels and experiences with new places and faces, Yvonne is able to provide a great perspective and is a sage in her own right. With her quiet strength, warm smile and great snort (!), she is someone of high quality and value.

Lyndsie Barrie
Author | Writing Coach
“I’ve watched Yvonne help women manage their emotions during the ups and downs of a rapidly growing business and continually impact many lives.”
Yvonne has been one of my top cheerleaders since the day I met her. She is the reason I began delegating the tasks I didn’t need to be doing to freelancers and she is the reason I hired my first business coach – a single push that led to countless positive results – some of which are yet to come.
If it wasn’t for that one push, I wouldn’t have written a book. Yvonne’s passion, confidence and insights drove me to be BOLDER with my marketing for the launch of my book and led me to posting something on LinkedIn which got 1000 comments per day for months and ultimately led me to some of the best clients a financial consultant could hope for.
Yvonne also stopped me from completely blowing up one of these valuable client relationships. If it weren’t for her, I would not have focused on the right things and my emotions would have got the best of me. I knew Yvonne was smart, but the wisdom she displayed in this particular situation still blows me away.
I believe women in business, especially mothers, have a tough time balancing the “professional side” and the “soft/maternal side” of their personalities. Yvonne gets this, because she struggled with trying to find this balance in the corporate world for years.